The Hieron Pessers Foundation aims to promote and document the work of Hieron Pessers via this web site and other publications, via meetings and exhibitions. It serves as an intermediary and source of information for owners of his paintings and all those who are interested in his oeuvre and its backgrounds.
We thank all contributors to this site for their help, support & donations. Further information, suggestions & donations to continue our work are most welcome.
Current board
Jet van Dam van Isselt
Pim Vermeulen
Shlomo Berger († 2015)
Joost van Grieken
Artistic adviser: Liesbeth Brandt Corstius
Hieron Pessers Foundation
Frans Halsstraat 17, 1072 BJ, Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20 671 59 73
Registration number Dutch KvK: 34296702
Bank: NL41 ABNA 0595 9380 43.